Saturday 9 May 2015


Here are the images from my final Lumion landscape & marker.

The simplistic rectilinear shapes are high impact when blown up to such a large scale - doing more with less. 
The aerodynamic wind turbine gives back to the sustainable community, and produces power for the sports park. This simple shape does so much with so little - all it needs is wind.

A cut out rectangular prism creates an open space, with views and sunlight, as well a private/personal space with the large walls and textures.

"Doing more with with less to create openness as well as privacy"

Derived from:

 "Buildings should be open to the environment, yet closed for privacy" - Kundig
Spaces should be inviting to natural elements, sun and scenery, but also need to respect privacy and person. A space that accomplishes this will be both comfortable and beautiful

 "Doing more and more with less and less" - Fuller
Resources on earth are diminishing fast, something that Buckminster Fuller knew well, so it is important to not only create beautiful spaces, but to create spaces that can give back more and consume less.

The position and large size of this marker greatly affect the shadows on site, and how people interact with the marker. The spinning wind turbine produces a constantly changing shadow, and the way the sun reaches the space inside the cut out box reveals a space which is open to nature but also feels private and closed.

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